We are so grateful to report Tommy is doing well! Last week he met with Dr. Taylor for a quick check of his former pin sites and to follow up on xray results. The fractures continue to heal. In 2 weeks he will have flexion and extension xrays to evaluate the ligament. We continue to hope and pray the ligament is intact and Tommy will not need surgery. He is thankful to be out of the halo and actually resuming a decent level of activity. He has started coaching the JV basketball team at Santa Fe and is working on helping to develop programs for Advocates for Injured Athletes. I cannot tell you all how wonderful it is to see him regaining some sense of normal life! Once again THANK YOU for all your continued thoughts and prayers. We will let you know the results of the flexion / extension xrays in 2 weeks.
On another note, please continue to keep the Wardrips in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you to all of you who have donated to Advocates for Injured Athletes on behalf of Will. We miss him terribly...beyond words. It is amazing the impact one person can have in your life.....Will made everything fun with that incredible smile and the gregarious personality. As most of you know our family lost Emily( she was 21) on December 18th 2004. She too was known for an infectious, beautiful smile. I am posting her picture. Like Will , Emily brightened up the world. We miss them both and grateful for everyday we had with them.