Tommy is still in a lot of pain. We are trying a different strategy now with a few different medications - we hope this will help. However, late this afternoon he rallied to get up with the physical therapist to take a few steps - the most yet. I believe he felt your prayers. Tomorrow is another day of hope and we pray that he will start getting his strength back to help combat the pain and get home soon. Good news is that he may be getting off his i.v. heparin in the next day or so as his oral coumadin (warfarin) has reached and remained in its therapeutic window for a full day now.
Many of you have asked when Tommy will come home and the answer is, we just don't know. His break/fracture is deemed stable now and he is close to being of the i.v. heparin (blood thinner) in the next day or two, that just leaves the pain and his strength. We are in unchartered waters. We will take it day-by-day.
We will agree with you in prayer for God's healing touch to ease the pain in Tommy's body, so that he may do the things he needs to do to build his strength and recover sooner. Also for God's presence to continue providing your family with trust and peace. He loves you so much. Your in our hearts, Shebbie and the Jacques family
ReplyDeleteWe're really happy to hear that you took a few steps today. We're praying for you - you're at the top of our prayer list. We'll be praying that your pain subsides and that you feel the supernatural peace, joy and hope that can only come from God.
Deb was on campus today and said she was thrilled to see the high school gather together to pray for you.
We love you Tommy.
The Searle Family
Hey Tommy! The Huffmans are praying for our fellow Chapman Panther! Get well soon Tommy and know that you are in our thoughts are prayers every day.
ReplyDeleteWe love you Tommy and we are praying for you. We are claiming this verse in Jeremiah 30:17 for you, "For I will restore you to health and I will heal you of your wounds, declares the Lord." I have the picture of you and Natalie at the prom taped to my computer and every time I am at my computer I pray for you, which is often! We hope that these two bible verses will encourage you: Romans 15:13 "I pray that the God who gives hope will fill you with much joy and peace while you trust in him." 2 Samuel 22:29-30 "O Lord, you are my light; yes, Lord you light up my darkness. In your strength I can crush an army; with my God I can scale any wall." You can do this Tommy! With God's help you can take those steps and get out of that hospital!! We look forward to hearing how you are progressing and how strong you are getting each and every day. Remember who loves ya baby!
ReplyDeleteConrad, Beth, Marcus, Natalie, and Lexi
Hey Tommy just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you buddy. My prayers are with you.
ReplyDeleteTommy...Excuse me while I brag, but in addition to being an amazing lacrosse player, the SFC basketball coaches renamed the Eagle/Coach's Award (in my opinion, the highest honor) to the "Tommy Mallon Eagle Award"! We love our #5!
ReplyDeleteLove to all the Mallon family! Debbi
ReplyDeleteYou are in all of our thoughts and prayers. Even though it's cold, wet and rainy here in Maine, we know the California sunshine along with all of the prayers from around the US will help you continue to get stronger day by day! You are doing great and we admire your strength! Keep fighting Tommy!!!
Love cathy, Doug and Jacki